Amazing to see so clearly how a small group of media controllers can drive a population into moral-panic madness by pumping out their propaganda. It is so easy to drive the leftist hysteria, as they have done, to distract away from the real issues.

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So a new political tool was introduced around 2015 — name calling. Instead of debating ideas, I just say “You are a racist”

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GamerGate and ShirtGate were 2014, so the seeds for that were planted in 2010 at the very latest. Further research is indicated as to why the Great Awokening occurred immediately after the 2008 market crash / housing market crisis.

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Looks like people got good at noticing stuff.

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Proof of what Walter Lippmann has said a century ago, and repeated by Noam Chomsky in the 1990s. Trump was right: the corporate press is the enemy of the people. Journalism is indistinguishable from propaganda in an age of mass-democracy / mass-media. The press isn’t a check on power — it *is* the power.

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I wish you have a software that I can use to run multiple media sites in India and come out with prejudice words here. Or a open source method

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How long till this gets banned

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Some of the prejudice denoting words listed are of the type that not everyone views them as prejudice. The word Arachnophobia is the irrational fear of Arachnids. Agoraphobia is the irrational fear of open spaces. Aerophobia is the fear of flying. A Phobia is a fear of something it is not the dislike, disapproval or lack of support of something and yet, thanks to pressure from one particular side of the political spectrum, the term homophobia which literally means an irrational fear of someone who is gay, is applied to anyone who simply does not support homosexuality. You're labeling a word that is about an irrational far of someone based on their sexual preference as being prejudiced when a phobia is not about prejudice. I have to wonder how much of the discourse you have labeled as being prejudice that really isn't it's just that you label it as such because you use a different definition for the word.

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